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Coastal Flooding Impacts

The Chesapeake Bay plays a vital socio economic role in Maryland, but it's also uniquely vulnerable to sea level rise, coastal inundation, and other risks. CRN is addressing this problem with a sensor network.
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Floods, Droughts, & Hydroprocesses

Climate change is causing more intense and variable rainfall patterns in the U.S., posing increasing flood and drought risks to urban areas. CRN is investigating these problems in Maryland communities and working towards potential solutions.
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Climate-Smart Agriculture

CRN is developing an app dashboard to promote climate-resilient agriculture in Maryland.
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Managing Freshwater Salinization

Salinization is a major threat globally, and its impacts are increasing regionally and locally in Maryland with changes in land use, population, and climate.
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Near Surface Geophysics

CRN are using geophysical methods to study how water moves underground, informing our understanding of water resources and environmental changes.
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More Coming Soon!

More Climate Resilience Network project pages coming soon!